WooCommerce Thawani Checkout Payment gateway

From Pluginsmaker we have published a new payment gateway for woocommerce. The new plugin is called “WooCommerce Thawani Checkout Payment gateway”. The plugin is for the Sultanate of Oman.Take a look at...
Barclaycard payment gateway for woocommerce

Barclaycard payment gateway for woocommerce

We just updated our successful plugin Barclaycard payment gateway for woocommerce. He is the best-selling plugin in our ecommerce. In this new version, we have added the field “SHA-OUT pass phrase” in the payment gateway plugin configuration as you can see...
Credimax MPGS Payment Gateway version 49

Credimax MPGS Payment Gateway version 49

We have upgrade our successful plugin “Credimax MPGS Payment gateway”. It supports version 49 of the MPGS API. Woocommerce CrediMax MPGS Payment Gateway Best...
Forte Payment Gateway for Woocommerce

Forte Payment Gateway for Woocommerce

We just publish a version for our woocommerce plugin called Forte Payment gateway for Woocommerce. The new version, 1.2, allows to select what payment methods do you want to display in your Forte window. Possible payments methods are: Visa Mastercard American Express...
Credimax MPGS Payment Gateway version 49

Credimax MPGS Payment Gateway

Pluginsmaker announces a new Payment Gateway plugin for Woocommerce, Credimax MPGS version. MPGS is acronym of Mastercard Payment Gateway Services. After the success of Credimax Payment gateway, MIGS version, this new plugin will be the default payment gateway for...
Paybox WooCommerce payment gateway

Paybox WooCommerce payment gateway

We just published Paybox WooCommerce payment gateway plugin, a new payment plugin developed by pluginsmaker. The new plugin allows to add Paybox payment gateway to any ecommerce made using WooCommerce and WordPress. It supports Woocommerce 2.6+. Only for $39...